Ewengie Bark (Longué-Longué) - Treat measles - 250g

Special Price 3,500FCFA Regular Price 4,375FCFA
  • Product name: Ewengie bark
  • Weight: 250g
  • Posology: The use of this product is done by physical chewing and ingestion of the juice.
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Properties and uses of Ewendie bark

Ewendie bark is a bark that treats measles in children. Measles, also known as first disease, is an acute eruptive viral infection. It mainly affects children from the age of 5-6 months and young adults.

Although measles looks harmless enough with its red spots, measles is one of the most worrying contagious childhood diseases because of the serious complications associated with it.

Do not hesitate to have Ewengie (Longué-Longué) bark to treat measles in your children at a very good price on glotelho.cm. Thus, the health of your child will be of stake. The delivery is done everywhere in Cameroon.

Specificities of the bark


  • Product name: Ewengie bark
  • Weight: 250g
  • Posology: The use of this product is done by physical chewing and ingestion of the juice.


Ewengie Bark (Longué-Longué) - Treat measles - 250g

Special Price 3,500FCFA Regular Price 4,375FCFA